PT2 Opening Sequences

 Movie Thrillers:

The Call (2013)

Disturbia (2007)

Unknown (2011)

Movie Sub-Genre's:

The Call's Sub-Genre is a Psychological Crime.

Disturbia has a Sub-Genre of Mystery but takes a wrong turn and then morphs into a slasher Movie.

Unknown is a movie with the Sub-Genre of Action.

How is the sequence engaging and how does it conform to traditional Thriller codes and conventions?

The opening sequence for the call engages the audience through the short scenes that they put in for a tease of this guy that kidnaps this little girl then puts her in the back of his car (The Boot) and the little girl calls the police and they are all on this massive chase all over the place, which makes the audience want to watch and know more.
Lighting - There is mainly dark lighting in the Call because of how the ittle girl is trapped in the boot of the car, and when the lighting isnt dark then the lighting is bright because of the sun as they are outside or in the police ofice.
Mise-en-scene - The kidnapper is wearing a grey shirt with light brown pants and the police officer is wearing a light blue police shirt, the Mise-en-scene in the Call is a red toyota that is used for the kidnappers car
Sound - The sound that is used in the opening sequence is a type of background music that gets more intense as more things happens whihc creats a sense of suspense that puts the audience on the edge of thier seat because the have been drawn in.
Camera - The camera shots in the opening sequence are very short but they do give the audience enough information to know whats going on. there is close up shots on the police officer to show her expression and shows how scared she is for the little girl.

The opening sequence for Disturbia engages with the audience by putting them on the edge of their seats as they see that a girl is trapped in a house with an old man and the next door neighbor notices something is going on then he starts to spy on him. The codes and conventions used in the movie are binoculars that the next door neighbor uses to spy on the old man and the trapped girl, another code and convention is the ankle bracelet that is on the next door neighbor and each
time the ankle bracelet goes off is to warn the police but they never listen.
Lighting - In the opening sequence the lighting is mainly dark because it was filmed at night but there is this kind of light blue hue that is added into the scenes and it represents how the guy is feeling and how he is scared because his next door neighbour is a kidnapper/killer.
Mise-en-scene - The props and costumes used in Disturbias opening sequence is that the guy is wearing casual clothes as he is always at home now. The props being used in Disturbia are binoculars to help they guys spy on his next door neighbour and there are other props like a camera to film the next door neighbour.
Sound - The background music gives it that real Mystery thriller feel, as the music gets louder something happens and it really engages with the audience cause they want to know more.
Camera - The camera shots that are used are close ups and hand held shots to show thier reactions and how scared they must be s the are shaking and the camera is sort of mimicking them.

The movie Unknown engages with the audience because the opening sequence shows the audience that he gets into a crash where a taxi goes into the water and wakes up four days later in a hospital but no one can find any identification coming from this guy because someone stole his identity and even his own wife says he doesn't know who he is. The codes and conventions used in the movie are guns, car explosions, normal expulsions security guards, and bombs.
Lighting - The lighting used in unknown is all bright with no dark lighting but there is a type of warm lighting that comes through when he is talking wife his wife.
Mise-en-scene - The props that have been used in unknown are bandages on his head to proves that he has been to hospital and another prop is a gun that shows the audience that someone doesnt want him to go back to his past.
Sound - each time the shot changes, the background music starts then stops like a flash or jumps, this gives the audience a sense that something interesting is going to come up and its counting down till it comes and draws them in.
Camera - the camera shots in unknown is a very close up shot that hows his eyes and an over the shoulder shot for when he is talking to his wife and the guy who stole his identity.


  1. Hi Kevin

    Some things to re-do
    - include links to opening sequences so I can watch and comment on your effectiveness in analysing them
    - you were asked to comment on all 4 TECHNICAL AREAS for analysis on how they engaged the audience. You have given a basic plot synopsis, not enough to show a clear understanding of how meaning is created using the technical elements.

    Please re-do for tomorrow

    1. Updated comments

      Overall Score: 11/20

      - a better analysis of the 4 technical elements and also great that you have included the link so we can see what you are referring to.
      - Your analysis is still very much at observation stage and the next stage of 'depth' that we are needing is for you to really analyse meaning and decode the meaning that's been layered into these sequences, commenting on the effect that each aspect has on the audience. Also commenting on how these things work together, will also add to your marks. You have the basics of observation ticked off here, you just need to work on going for detail and depth in your analysis and research in the future.


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