Homework - Week 2

  Who do you introduce character-wise and why?

My group and I have introduced a mother called Christine, a little boy which is the son of Christine, he is called Isaac, and there is an old man as well which we have made him the kidnapper to grab Isaac when the mother is busy and then leave.

We have chose these characters because when you see most movies the kidnappers are those creepy old men. we have chosen the little boy to be the ages of 5 because he would never of experienced being kidnapped and so he wouldn't know what to do about it. 

Where do you set your film scene, why?

My group and I have chosen to set our film at the fun-fair because it is the most common place to get abducted by a kidnapper when the parents aren't focusing on their children and when the little kids walk away from their parents to either go get food or drinks or to have fun on the ride that are presented at the fun-fair.

What iconography and symbolism will you include?

The Iconography and Symbolism we have used for the storyboard represent fun and happiness because they are at a fun-fair and everyone has fun at a fun-fair. but we have made is so that no one will expect being anyone getting kidnapped because they are at a fun-fair while the sun is out and with a lot of people around, so that's when the attention is drawn away from watching out for little kids and then that's why our kidnapper strikes first when no one is watching or paying attention to them around.


  1. Hi Kevin.

    Overall Score: 6/10

    Your storyboards and initial idea are a good foundation for the film you envision.

    Some points for consideration
    - Storyboards need more details/ information (such as camera angle / positions/ movement labelled underneath)
    - You haven't listed the codes and conventions you intend to use based on that list I gave you.
    - You haven't given clear details about iconography. Think about symbolism (either colours, props etc) that would send strong messaging to the audience about what is happening in the storyline. It could be a gun, the colour red to symbolise danger etc.


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