Question 1

The thriller genre is a popular and a thoroughly enjoyed genre, the conventions that are used in the thriller genre is:

Narrative - The aim to create suspense and excitement for the audience.

  • KPM used this piece of conventions in there film when the assassin took out the gun from her bag and then put it in her back pocket to hide it, another time that we used suspense was when the coder was walking with papers in her hands and then she see's the assassin and runs.
Mise-en-scene - Antagonist wears dark or black clothing.
  • KPM used the black clothing with the assassin because it gives the audience a sense of that she is the bad person and she is trying to be secret and stealthy because she is going to either kill or hurt someone. The audience can recognize that she is an assassin because of her clothing.
Sound - Diegetic or Non-Diegetic sounds.
KPM has used Non-Diegetic sounds in the film to give suspense to the audience and put them on the edge of their seats, we have also used a Diegetic sound of a gun shot in the film to make the killing scene feel more realistic.

Camera - Shots to create discomfort within the viewers.

  • KPM have used hand held shots in the film during the chase scene because it gives a scene of immediacy and a rush like everything is happening so fast.

Question 2:
How does your product engage with audiences by Kevin Harris


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