Foundational Portfolio Final Edit (GONE)...



  1. Hi Kevin

    Score: 14/20

    Overall a great concept that really is effectively set-up with some well-thought out establishing shots. Smoother transitions, maintaining consistent sound levels and also further creative thought into the best way to tell this short opening of a story, would have helped boost your results. Overall you have produced a satisfactory film opening and show a solid understanding of the conventions in a thriller genre.
    - Title looks great and sound underneath it is foreboding and sets a good thriller tone
    - Transitions needed a bit more attention to be smoother and more effective in your continuity editing
    - First credit looks great, it is unfortunate that you didn't repeat this a few more times to keep the consistency of the credits in the title sequence
    - I don't feel like there is enough of a shift with the music and visually to get any tension out of the reveal of your masked man. That needs a good build up and moment for the audience to take in what is happening. The pan potentially could have worked after a big reveal of the guy standing there. Music also needs a shift in introducing this scary character
    - transitions in scenes with the hostage before flashback could have been smoother with more emphasis on building tension. A mixture ofclose-ups with shaky/ hand-held camera could have really added to the scene
    - music is really soft throughout and sound levels needed attention
    - music in flashback is effective
    - credits rolling needed to follow conventions of traditional credits, they don't usually include the title again, that happens at the start of the movie.
    - great end track, very creepy music
    - I wonder if introducing your creepy character earlier wouldn't have added to the audience understanding that something creepy is happening? Maybe a montage sequence of the mask lying somewhere, fading into those establishing shots would have been good


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