FP Film Schedule

 We are filming at church (City Impact Church) in the shed. This adds suspense to the shots because there it gives us a scary look inside the shed, and when the lights are out it is pitch black in the room so you cannot see anything which is perfect for the look we were looking for.

We are planning on Filming in the holidays as that is when we are all free and we will have more time to edit our film once we come back to school.

We are planning on filming at night as well because the film would not look professional if thee is too much light in the shots because people would be able to see the Kidnapper snatch the Hostage, so night time or close till night time would be perfect for the film and it also creates suspense because all kidnappings mostly happen at night.



  1. Overall Score: 10/20

    Your storyboards look good. Unfortunately there isn't any initial brainstorm evident on your blog. It is also lacking detail and depth for the planning documents provided and examples for your inspiration. I also don't see any contribution to the treatment and concept documents.


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