Hotel Babylon Notes
- Pan shot (Following character)
- Close up shot (Showing emotions)
- Over the shoulder
- Shot reverse shot (Conversation)
- Hand held shot (Shaky effect)
Mise En Scene
- Clothing Props (Chef, Cleaner, Waiter)… (Outfit that disguises immigrant)
- Badge and ID (Proof he is an immigrant officer)
- Vacuum cleaner (Cleaner trips up on while running)
- Yellow hue
- Facial expressions (Emotions)
- Boxes of jam
- Setting is based in a Hotel
- Fast pace
- 360 Degree rule
- Shot reverse shot
- Non-Diegetic music (Fast pace matching camera shots)
- Diegetic sound (Dialogue)
There are illegal immigrants inside a Hotel working to make a living illegally, someone calls the cops and meets up with them to announce where they are. The next scene changes to inside the Hotel Babylon where an immigrant officer walks in with a police officer and two other men, they go to the reception and show a badge then say "My name is John Voyack from the immigration service, we have authority to search this premises" the reception lady knows they are here to talk the workers so she very sneakily asks one of the employees to go and give some "purple acquisition forms to housekeeping" this implies that he would need to tell the housekeeping manager to hide al the immigrants from being caught.
All the immigrants get into a staff only room except one, he is vacuuming and has got headphones on so he cannot hear anyone. Then shot changes to the immigrants inside a room and shows this middle aged lady that faints so a doctor inside helps her by giving her jam with sugar inside. The vacuum cleaner gets caught but tries to run and falls over his vacuum. He gets grabbed and rushed to the fewer with everyone in the Hotel watching and then the housekeeping manager goes to try and help him from being taken.
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