Representation Essay - Breaking Bad

At the start of the extract there is a pan shot to a middle aged man with a full shave on his head, he looks like a sketchy character as first impressions look like he is someone from jail.

The pan shot changes into a close up and moves towards the cans of paint that have got the name of killz on it in a red colour, the red from the killz paint cans have a connotation of blood and can symbolize death, danger, and anger. As the middle aged man grabs the two buckets of paint the camera swaps into a close up shot and shows the ring that the middle aged man is wearing.

The camera changes into a close up of the middle aged man again to show his emotions of curiosity of things in the trolly he walks past, the middle aged man turns around to look into the trolly and then the camera changes into an over the shoulder shot to show the middle aged man and also the ingredients in the trolly. The shot quickly changes into a point of view, close up shot ones the middle aged man walks towards the trolly, this shows the viewers that he is looking in the trolly and can identify the items in the trolly and what will happen once they are all together.

There is a wide shot of another character that looks younger, but still sketchy, the younger man has got bags under his eyes which indecates that he is someone who does not sleep very often, and he has got such a white and pale face with blue eyes but the blue is very slight, this shows us as an audience that this younger man is doing drugs and he is about to do something to break the law with the items in his trolly.
There is a two shot that the camera changes to of the middle ages man and the younger man face to face but with the younger mans trolly in their way.

As the middle aged man walks out of the hardware store he can see two people talking and it is the younger man and what looks like another middle aged man, the camera shot changes to a shot, reverse shot of the middle aged and the two people talking, the camera follows the middle aged man as he walks towards the two men looking dodgy.

There is diegetic sound in the start of the extract of the shop radio playing in the background, with more diegetic sound of paint cans clinking together over it.
There is Non-Diegetic sound of a shop worker speaking over the intercoms

The middle aged man and the younger man are infront of each other and the middle aged ma starts to speak to the younger man and say to him "Your'e buying the wrong matches", this clearly shows to the audience and helps them to identify that the middle aged man sounds experienced with this type of profession of what looks like bomb making.

The middle aged man walks upto te cash register and can hear the diegetic sound of the items scanning on the scanner, but they get faster and louder as it keeps on going on this can be unclear to the audience what it means but it many ways it can represent the ticking of a bomb ready to go off, then there is a sound of the paint cans being placed on the counter and at that point the music of Non-Diegetic sound plays.

When the middle ages man walks out of the hardware store he walks upto the two dodgy men and then is face to face with one of them and says to his face, "Stay out of my territory", this is criminal talk to this is my hood go find another hood to mess with.

The midle aged man seems to be wearing a black sweatshirt with a zip and a black shirt underneath, this represents that the middle aged is trying to keep under the radar and look as less suspicious as possible, the all black clothes represents how hen may be dangerous, and it symbolizes death and fear.

The middle aged man grabs two buckets of paint for some reason, but as he grabs the paint bukcets the audience can see a ring on his married finger which can tell us that he has been married or is still married now.

The younger man is wearing a brown shirt with a brown beanie and jeans that do not seem to fit him because his underwear is showing from his gluteus maximus, the brown beanie has got a skull on it whihc can create the sense of how he is not a good guy but rather someone who does not obey the law.

The younger man has got a trolly full of ingredients that can make a bomb whether it comes to matches, alcoholes, pipes, and other flamible things.

In the extract there arent a lot of things to point out for editing but the shots do cut away to the next clip fast.

I think the little extract that was given is a good representation of Dominant Reading, as it is easy for the audience to decode the message that the producer was trying to get across, obviously by picking out who the two main bag guys were and what one of them was planning on doing, and it was very clear for the audience to identify that the middle aged man understood what the younger man was wanting to do and could pull out the flaws in the youn ger mans plan.


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