- Establishing shot, wide shot, pan shot.
- Handheld, POV shot.
- Over the shoulder shot of laptop screen.
- Close up shot on Archie's face, then pans to betty's face, shows emotions (Happy).
- over the shoulder shot of veronica, showing betty's emotions of jealousy.
- You can see the tension between Cheryl and Betty.
- All in Mufti.
- Archie is wearing a football (blue and yellow).
- Cheryl blossom's skirt matches her hair.
- Cheryl blossom had got a cherry on her shirt.
- Non-Diegetic sound of singing in background.
- Changes to Diegetic sound coming from Laptop.
- Dialogue (comedic) Gay bestfriend says "I thought we'd actually have to pretend to like it, but its actually really good".
- Dialogue (Insulting) Gay bestfriend says "Is cheerleading still a thing?" then Cheryl blossom comes back with sass and says "Is being the gay bestfriend still a thing?".
- Age
- Gender
- Class and Status
In this TV Teen drama there is a representation of Age and Class and Status.
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